61 Transcript: Approaching Challenges from a Perspective of Love, Positivity and Intuition (Kate Northrup)

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J: You're listening to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast, episode number 61.

K: We can't actually control what happens in our lives to a large extent, but we can control our response to it of course, and we can use what happens as fodder for learning, as information to change our course of action, and as an opportunity for growth.

Intro: Welcome to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast, stories of vibrant women living happy lives. And now, your host, Jen Riday.

J: Hey there, welcome back to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast. I'm Jen Riday, women's happiness expert and my mission is to help you take back control over your time, life, and happiness. So many women feel burnt-out and resentful after years of meeting everyone else's needs, but never their own. Too many women believe they're not good enough and they’re failures because they aren't living up to their potential. I show women how to let go of that busyness and guilt and to find balance, positivity, and productivity again through the podcast, through the Vibrant Happy Women Facebook group, and through my online programs, Time Mastery for Women and the Vibrant Happy Women Academy. In fact, in the Vibrant Happy Women Academy, today we are starting the mindfulness mini course. If you'd like to join us, you still can; just go to vibranthappwomenacademy.com. On our last episode of the podcast, I was speaking with Ananta Ripa Ajmera about how to improve sleep and reduce stress and transform your health through Aryurveda. If you haven't listened to that one, definitely go back and do so. She had tons of wisdom about feeling healthier and more vibrant and energetic. Today, I'll be talking with the amazing Kate Northrup, all about approaching challenges from a perspective of love and positivity and presence. Kate shared so many great things in this episode, so let's dive in.

I'm talking with Kate Northrup today. Kate is an entrepreneur, best-selling author, mother, and activist, and she supports ambitious, motivated and successful women to light up the world without burning themselves out in the process. Committed to empowering women entrepreneurs to create their most successful businesses while navigating motherhood, Kate is the founder and CEO of Origin Collective, a monthly membership site where women all over the world gather to achieve more while doing less. Her first book, ‘Money: A Love Story’, has been published in 5 languages. Kate's work has been featured by The Today Show, Yahoo Finance, Women's Health, Glamour, and The Huffington Post and she spoken to audiences of thousands with Hay House, Wanderlust, USANA, Health Sciences, and more. Kate lives with her husband and business partner, Mike, and their daughter, Penelope, in Maine. Find out more and receive your free copy of ‘Have more by doing less: 3 simple steps to create space for what matters most’ at katenorthrup.com. Welcome to Vibrant Happy Women, Kate.

K: Thank you so much for having me.

J: I'm so glad you could be here and I can't wait to hear the quote you want to share with us today.

K: Yes. So my quote is from Gloria Steinem and she says, “The art of life is not in controlling what happens to us, but in using what happens to us.”

J: Hmm, so how do you apply that in your life?

K: So I'm a relatively new mom, my little girl is 19 months old.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And I did not know until becoming a mother how much of a control freak I was. And it's been amazing to me to realize how challenging motherhood has been, simply because there's so much of it that I can't control. And so what I love about this quote is it really articulates what I've been learning, not only in motherhood, but also in business, which is that we can't actually control what happens in our lives to a large extent, but we can control our response to it of course, and we can use what happens as fodder for learning, as information to change our course of action, and as an opportunity for growth. And so this just really deeply resonates with me for that reason.

J: I love that. And it leads right into the low point because you said we could use what happens to us as kind of a fodder or a spring board to the next step. So take us to your low point and what you learn from that and how that became the next step.

K: So, you know… of course I've had many low points.


K: I want to share one that I think will be helpful for other people, which is, I was in my… kind of my mid-20s, I got myself into a lot of credit card debt. And it was from unconscious spending, it was from trying to look as though I was more successful than I was, you know, by taking trips or buying certain clothes or going to certain events. And it was a low point in my life because I felt like what I really was looking like on the outside was not in alignment with what was going on behind the scenes. And so I had a lot of anxiety about it and, but what the thing is, despite trying to do my best to pay off my debt, I wasn't… like I wasn't able to get traction. And, you know, no matter how many different strategies, I tried taking my credit cards and putting them in the freezer and, you know, doing all budgeting and writing up, I just did all the things. (Laughs)

J: Uh-huh.

K: And none of it stuck for me.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And it wasn't until I realized that I was approaching my debt from the perspective of beating myself up and sort of this self-discipline more punitive approach…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … that it wasn't working for me. And when I instead decided that financial awareness was part of my self-care plan and it was a way of loving myself, everything changed. And within 6 months of that awareness, I was able to pay off all of my debt and I doubled my income and I doubled my savings and I got out of an unhealthy business relationship and I met my future husband and I got a book deal. Like, everything shifted for me when I stopped seeing financial awareness as discipline and started seeing it as love.

J: Love; okay, you've got to tell us more.

K: (Laughs)

J: How do you fit… (Laughs) financial awareness into a self-care routine? I'm picturing, you know, some yoga, some exercise, and then what? Do you study finance books? I'm just kind of kidding, but how do you fit that in?

K: Yeah. You know, a lot of it is really… it's not so much the ‘what we do’, it's the ‘how we do it’. And the ‘how’ we do anything is really going to impact our results far more than the ‘what’ that we actually do. You know, we know that from sort of like sports psychology that the more awareness and the more consciousness we bring to our workouts, for example, and the more presence we bring, the better our results will be, the more strengthening we get and the more calories we burn, things like that.

J: Hmm.

K: Yeah, very interesting stuff. So when it comes to your money, it's really… you know, if you're going to sit down and look… every single week, my husband and I have what we call a money love date. So we sit down and look at what's in our bank accounts, you know, what bills, which I like to refer to as invoices for blessings already received, what have come up, and we do some financial transfers each week to different accounts. And it's the perspective from which we approach that conversation that makes it loving as opposed to disciplinary or punitive. And the energy then is so much more positive and we don't get in fights about money nearly as much and we have more money than we've ever had in terms of like being really on top of things for taxes and we're building a house and, you know, and all kinds of things have resulted from that. And like, this is a process I've been on for, again like I said, from my mid-20s, so it's been a while. But it's really using it so that when you go to the bank to meet with your mortgage broker, for example, or whatever…

J: Right.

K: … you're going into that meeting from a place of, “Okay, this is part… this is like part of my self-care. This is like I go to get a massage and I go meet with my mortgage broker.”

J: Whoa (Laughs); love it.

K: (unclear) [08:08] and feeding of a beautiful woman, you know, a beauti… beautiful vibrant woman. And so…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … it's a perspective shift, and I talk a lot more about all the different ways that you can do that in my book, ‘Money: a Love Story’.

J: ‘Money: a Love Story’. So have you applied that same principle in other areas like exercise or being a mom? I mean, there are always these things where you can make it punitive or you can make it positive and…

K: Totally.

J: … I’d be curious, yeah, share that with us.

K: What a great question. I mean, certainly in exercise, I think there are so many parallels between the way we treat our bodies and the way we treat our money. You know, when it comes to debt, right, like, yes, obviously you need to spend less and make more. I mean…


K: … very straight forward. And when it comes to losing weight, right, clearly you need to exercise more and eat less. But the truth is, if it were that simple, all of us would be rich and skinny.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And so there are all these other factors and it's, the factors are emotional.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And so if we leave our emotions out of the picture, we're really setting ourselves up to fail. And so, you know, with… with exercise, for sure, I really, you know, like… like any woman, I've had my issues with body image over the years and I really approach it from the perspective of, “How can I move my body today in a way that feels really joyful and really in alignment with the kind of energy I'm experiencing right now?” And my new thing that I'm talking a lot about is how to organize our lives and our businesses according to either our monthly cycle, or if we're not cycling, according to the moon because the moon is sort of like the ultimate mother of all cycles. And what I'm finding is that, for me, if I can organize my exercise around that, if I organize my productivity, my different business tasks around the different times of the month that I'm peaked for different types of activities…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … I get a lot better results in a lot less time than if I've scheduled things off. Like, for example, if it's the time of the month where, you know, I'm having my period, for example, and I'm trying to do my high-intensity interval training, that's actually just like… (unclear) [10:12]

J: (Laughs)

K: You know, it’s like…

J: Yeah.

K: … studies have shown that when you exercise in that intensity while you have your period, you will actually gain weight. So…

J: (Gasps) Oh my gosh, I didn't know that.

K: It’s interesting the way that we push ourselves when the energy is not for pushing, but there are times when it's really the time to buckle down…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … and like get stuff done. And when you schedule that appropriately, you know, you can get 8 hours of work done in 2 hours.

J: Whoa.

K: So it's really having fun with that.

J: Oh, that's so great. And so you talk about that a little bit in Origin Collective, right?

K: Yes, I talk a lot about that in Origin Collective. That's my membership for moms who are entrepreneurs who really want to find ways to grow their business that don't include just working harder. Because the models we have out there for entrepreneurship are really just like, “Push more and work harder. And if you out hustle the next person, then you'll get ahead or you'll become successful.” But as a mother, like you really just don't actually have more time. (Laughs)

J: Mm-hmm, it’s true. (Laughs)

K: You know, like you just don't… and also, you don't want to work so much that you miss your kids’ lives.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: I mean that's huge, and so many of us started businesses because we wanted to be there with our families and have that flexibility. And so I teach different ways that we can grow without just like putting in more effort because there are all kinds of things that you can do that don't include finding hours that you don't actually have in your calendar.

J: Yeah. And I… I heard you talk about this on a Facebook Live once on your Facebook page, and you were saying on that Live that you're working less than ever, but your business is growing more than ever, can you talk more about that?

K: Yeah. So during pregnancy, I was just really tired the whole time and I really worked very, very little. And I had always thought my entire life that if I slowed down, if I was still, and if I stopped being in constant motion, then everything in my business and my life around me would completely collapse.

J: Mm.

K: What I found was, that was not the case.


K: Our business kept moving right along and it stayed steady; you know, it grew a little bit. It wasn't like some, you know, beyond belief growth, but it grew a little bit and it remained steady with me working like less than half the time I had ever worked before. So… and then the same thing for the first 9 months of motherhood, I was mostly a stay-at-home mom.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And it was like, “Wait, what is going on here? And what have I been doing all of these years? If we can…” because… and it's… you know, practically speaking, you're like, “I don't live in some magical unicorn whim.” Practically speaking… (Laughs) what it was is, I got really clear on what were my most valuable tasks that only I could do that created the most leverage in our business and I whittled it down so I was really only focusing on those tasks; or at least 80% focusing on those tasks.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: You know, what it… like the Pareto's principle, right, like 80% of the activities you do will create 20% of the results and 20% of your activities will create 80% of the results.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: So I really just looked at what were those 20% of activities and I cut out the rest.

J: Nice.

K: I wanted to be with my baby girl. And then the other things that needed to keep happening, we found people to delegate those to. So we brought in a project manager and… and a couple of other key roles. We don't have any please in our company; everybody is a freelancer part time. So, you know, it's not like I've spent tons of money on hiring employees, but we got help and that's been really helpful so that the hour I could spend writing or creating content would then give us really great results, versus me then also needing to spend 5 hours formatting it and getting it out and programming the thing and…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … which is all the things I used to do.

J: Right.

K: And quite frankly, I'm not that good at it. So…


K: You know, that just wasn't a good use of my time.

J: Well, what advice would you give to other women entrepreneurs that are out there or moms that might not call themselves an entrepreneur, but they have some type of home-based business or they're going to write a book or something they want to do at home, how do you juggle that with Penelope? How do you balance the time? Do you get some help with childcare or…?

K: I have to have help. I cannot… we had a nanny at home for a little bit and I actually can't really get anything done while Penelope is also in the house unless she's sleeping. So we have her at daycare outside the home part-time like 3 days a week, usually sometimes 4, and that works really great for us; we found a beautiful spot that she really loves. And what was so key for me, and I've been learning actually a lot about neuroscience lately and the how to have the mother brain thrive.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: So what we need to thrive as mothers scientifically speaking, now… because it's one thing to just like make a list and just think like, “Well, this is what I think,” but I really like the data. So I've been reading this book, ‘The Female Brain’ by Louann Brizendine; fabulous book. And then in the chapter on the mommy brain, she talks about that what makes a mother thrive is predictability and having consistent sources of support. Now, it doesn't mean it has to be a lot of support financially and childcare-wise, she doesn't need a ton of resources, she just needs predictable resources. So, for me, part of what's been really amazing about scheduling things according to my cycle and also being super clear on when I have child care and when I don't and when I'm working and when I'm not has been that predictability.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And I find myself so much more calm even if I can't get the thing… all the things done that I want to get done, which is like I've never… none of us is ever going to get all things done that want to. (Laughs)

J: Right.

K: But it just brings so much more peace of mind knowing that predictability of the schedule. So if I just know every single week I'm going to get 2 hours of childcare, great; if I know it's going to be 20 hours, great. But it's the knowing ahead of time rather than scrambling that I think is like… it's so simple, but it makes a huge difference to have it scheduled and planned and really well boundaried.

J: I agree, and I… I work with moms and I see so many of them feeling frazzled, it's for that exact reason; they can't predict when they can do anything.

K: Yeah.

J: There's always yes interruption and it just feels so unsettling to never have any control over your time in life; so I love what you said. So that book was ‘The Female Brain’?

K: Yeah, ‘The Female Brain’ by Louann Brizendine.

J: Okay, awesome; thank you, I love that. And share something that's exciting you today, something you're enjoying or looking forward to in your life in the present moment.

K: Oh my gosh. I mean, I have to tell you, I've already touched on this, but I have become like a total period nerd. Like, I’m just…

J: (Laughs)

K: … like I've been learning. Another great book I have to recommend is my friend, Alisa Vitti ‘he's book ‘Woman Code’ which is really about this practice that she calls cycle syncing and how you can tap into what I believe is our greatest untapped superpower as women that we've been taught is weird or gross or should be medicated away, but that's really a tremendous source of productivity and creativity and peace of mind and health. And so I'm just like… just over here in Maine, nerding about the period.


K: (unclear) [17:04]

J: So… I love this idea and it's super new to me, so take us through the cycle. I mean, you're saying that during menstruation, it's a low energy time, so when is that time when you need to push and go do the… the high-intensity training for exercise?

K: Yeah. So there are 4 phases of your cycle. There's the follicular phase, which is like the springtime of your cycle and that's right after… that's like kind of the week after your actual period; so after your bleeding. And that's definitely a higher energy time. That's the time to be, you know, trying out a kickboxing class or, you know, some sort of new like Zumba class or whatever. And that's definitely a time for planning, for initiating projects, for meeting new people, saying yes to new opportunities. Then the next phase is your ovulation phase, and that's your time, of course, of peak fertility, you know, physically speaking, but also peak fertility and peak receptivity in terms of sort of metaphorically speaking and in your business. So it's the really great time for collaboration, for communication; that's your time for your high-intensity interval training.

J: Okay.

K: And you think about… it's like peak flow time energetically speaking.

J: Uh-huh.

K: And so you can capitalize on that for sure. It's great time for making sales calls, for doing pitches; that kind of thing. And then, is your luteal phase; and your luteal phase is what gets the bad rap in our culture because it's the time of completion, of slowing down, of winding down, of beginning to turn within. And the reason so many of us are feeling overwhelmed, frazzled all the time is that we don't honor the gifts of the luteal phase and the menstrual phase, which are the 2 parts of the phase that are more yin, that are more feminine, that are more turning inward because our culture only celebrates the outward…

J: Mm.

K: … and the like, “Oh my god, this is so exciting!” you know, the big like…

J: Yeah.

K: … times. But if we actually honor the gifts of the luteal phase, which is the slowing down, it's a really great time to wrap up loose ends, to complete projects, to check things off your to-do list. It's actually a super powerful time to address things and like get it up… get done, you know? (Laughs)

J: Yeah, yeah.

K: So I love that. I love the phase… that phase. And then the menstrual phase, when you're actually bleeding is a time of… a really great time to evaluate what's working, what's not working because the 2 hemispheres of your brain, the left and right, are the most interconnected at that time and your intuition is the most fired up at that time.

J: Oh.

K: So it's the greatest time to look at the data of what's working and what's not working, but then also to feel into, intuitively, what's working and not working. So it's a great time for journaling, for evaluating, you know, that kind of thing; not a great time to start new projects.

J: Well, let's get to the nitty-gritty. What do you struggle with?

K: Oh my god, so many things. Like I said, I struggle with lack of control in my life as a mother. That's why I love scheduling and I love syncing up with my business, with my cycle or the moon, because if you're a woman who doesn't cycle, you can do this right with the moon, it's the same phases; so don't feel like you're left out. And I like that because in a vastly unpredictable life, you know, we can't control the weather, we can't control our children, we can't control other people, we can't control the economy, we can't control the government, there are so many things we cannot control, and yet, all of us craves predictability. So, for me, you know, I really crave that and, you know, we could psychoanalyze and things… (Laughs)

J: Yeah.

K: I think we all want that no matter what happens, it happened to us in our lives. And so that's been really helpful for me and… but that is one of my biggest struggles. It's like I just… you know, for example, my kid doesn't sleep, you know, she's 19 months old she still wakes up almost every single night; for she's going through a weird phase right now where she won't… I cannot put her down for a nap. Everyone else on the planet can put her down for a nap except for her mother. So it's like, okay…


K: You know, it's really, “Okay, how can I create acceptance of the current phase knowing that the phase is going to shift? So what are the gifts of this phase?” well, the gifts of the phase of me not being able to put her down for a nap are, me practicing to ask more help… ask for more help, and like just letting go and being like, “Well, you just cannot be alone with her at naptime,” so there you go. (Laughs)

J: There you go; letting go.


K: Exactly.

J: Well, on Vibrant Happy Women, we always talk about a few of our guests’ favorite things, and let's start by talking about a habit, a favorite habit that has contributed to your success.

K: Mmm, scheduling and calendaring. I mean, I think this is a theme of our conversation. I have kept a day timer; I started using a day timer when I was 14 years old.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And just having things written down so I could look at the week and kind of know what it was going to bring and design my life according to what brings me the most joy has been an ongoing habit my entire life. When I need people who are like, “I don't keep a calendar,” I’m like, “How are you even breathing?”

J: (Laughs)

K: Like, “ I don’t get it.”


K: It's just so second nature to me to plan things, schedule, and really to meet… to me, that's like being an artist of life that's designing a life that really works for you and being on purpose as opposed to living by default and just letting, you know, everyone else's priorities take up your time. So…

J: Mm-hmm, Right.


K: … that's my biggest habit is planning and scheduling.

J: Do you use paper or digital or do you have a favorite app?


K: I do. You know what? I just use Google Calendars.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: It’s like pretty straight forward.

J: Me too.

K: I do Google Calendars, I do a little bit… like my friend Daniela Ports, her desire map planner is so beautiful. I buy one every year and I don't use it every day, but I like check-in.

J: Mm.

K: And each week, I do in my own little notebook have just like the week of, so this week, you know, the week of April 10th and then I write down what phase of my cycle I'm in so that I can keep that in mind, and then I do write down my 4 core desired feelings according to the desire map. I write down my 3 priorities and then the things I need to get done that week. So that's another… like it's some sort of a hybrid. That's my analog, my little piece of paper…

J: Mm-hmm.

K: … that I carry with me everywhere, and then I have my digital that I can update on my phone or my computer.

J: Right. And there's something about writing that's just…

K: Yeah.

J: (Laughs)

K: I’m a… I’m a hand writer, I'm a journaler. I have about 100 different notebooks going at any given time nice.


J: Nice. And what's your favorite easy meal?


K: Hmm, what is my favorite easy meal? God, I am not much of a cook, I have to tell you; I'm like not that amazing at it. But I'll tell you what I do make most of the time. We always kind of have like chicken, organic chicken sausage of some kind in the fridge because it keeps really well and my daughter really loves to eat it. So if I just don't have much time, I take a big huge handful of spinach and I sauté it up with some organic chicken sausage cut up in little pieces, and I eat that and it's delicious.

J: Yum.

K: And it takes me like 5 minutes.

J: Perfect. And your favorite kitchen gadget.

K: Oh, I really love my lemon squeezer.

J: Oh yeah!


K: Yeah (Laughs). I do… every morning, my friend, Heidi Simons, who is over at the healthygodmother.com, she shared… turned me on to her morning elixir which is warm water with a squeezed half a lemon, a dash of cayenne pepper, a ¼ teaspoon of raw honey, a table

spoon of apple cider vinegar, and some grated fresh ginger. So I put that and I really like my lemon squeezer because it keeps the seeds from getting into my morning elixir.

J: Yum, that's pretty impressive actually. You have the… you have the recipe memorized just like that; whoo!

K: Yeah. Well, it's that I do it every morning so it's easy to remember.

J: And your favorite book.

K: Oh, I love…well, recently, I really loved ‘Carry On, Warrior’ by Glennon Doyle Melton; well, that was probably a year ago that I read it, but it really sticks, I think about that book a lot. Also, one of my favorites that I read long ago was ‘Bird by Bird’ by Anne Lamott.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: A great one on writing and just, she's so freaking funny and wise. I…

J: She is amazing.

K: Yeah, those 2 for sure.

J: And the best advice you've ever received.

K: Oh, well, recently, I'll just… I mean, recently… I just have to share. Somebody wrote that she had heard from a nurse when she first gave birth to, “Read your baby, not a book.”

J: Ooh.

K: And I thought that was so applicable, not only to mothering, but just life in general. Like, I think we so often look outside ourselves or look outside the information in any given situation for advice like for the answer, and the best answer usually lies right in front of us if we just read the situation or listen to our intuition or, you know, listen to our child or whatever. And so I love that advice.

J: Awesome. Well, I'll remind our listeners that they can find links to everything we talked about, including all the books and the recipe for the amazing morning elixir at jenriday.com/61. And now for your happiness formula; so if you had to create a 3 to 5 part formula of actions that enable you to maximize happiness, what would that include? And it doesn't have to be 3 to 5; whatever number you want. (Laughs)

K: Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean, number one is really to decide that you want to be happy.


K: And I know that’s so simple, but I really think a lot of it comes down to a decision. And we were speaking earlier about the, you know, perspective shifts from treating your financial awareness like discipline, versus treating it like love. You know, it's like, “I'm going to choose to see through the eyes of happiness today.” And so that step one is to decide that you want to be happy and the will… you know, it's kind of that willingness step, which is the biggest step for changes; the willingness.

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And then the next one is to, in the moment, whenever you notice that you're veering off, (which is really easy to do and you'll do it all day long; veering off from kind of that happiness feeling) is to look for things in your environment that are pleasing to you or that you could feel gratitude for. And I… you know, this one is right from Abraham Hicks. They talked about the emotional guidance scale and that, you know, we can't move from like deep down depression to ecstasy, but you can move up the ladder 1 or 2 steps. And you can move up the ladder by simply looking in your current environment for something that's pleasing to you. So I remember I used to suffer from a lot of anxiety and I lived in New York City at the time. So I would sit on the subway and be going somewhere and be just like kind of in my little whirlwind of panicked thoughts and I would stop and just say, “Okay, well, what can I find in my environment that's pleasing to me?” and, you know, whether it was a toddler that was making funny faces or whether it was the color of a woman's dress, it was to get me grounded in that moment of, “Okay, let's stop spinning out in your mind and let's be present with something that's pleasing to me,” and… and that was really, really helpful and that continues to be a practice. And then, you know, breathing is really helpful; so that would be step 3. (Laughs)

J: Oh yeah.

K: I think breathing is huge. And then, to me, I'm a huge extrovert, so to me, it's almost as though things don't even happen in my life unless I've shared them; and so it's community, it's having a tribe, it's investing in the people that you love and those relationships because those bring me the greatest joy. So those aren't exactly linear steps, but those are definitely 4 ingredients for happiness that I find crucial in my own life excellent.

J: And then, let's close with a challenge to our listeners; anything you want to give them a challenge to try in the coming week?

K: Yes, I would like you to try looking at your schedule and asking yourself if there's anything that you see in the coming week that feels heavy or feels draining to you. Like, is it something that you just look at and it's like, “Ugh, I don't want to do that.” And if there is something, then I would ask you to look at, “Could that thing be canceled? Could it be rescheduled? Could it be shifted in some way? Could that task changed or could it be delegated; could somebody else do it?”

J: Mm-hmm.

K: And so an example for me is, I needed to write scripts for these videos and it was a real slog and it was really, really hard and I didn't want to do it (Laughs). And what I did is I got somebody on our team to sit with me to actually go through the videos because, for me, it's just easier if I have somebody with me. And so I shifted the way I was going to do that task.

J: Oh yeah.

K: So, yeah, it's like, “Could it be canceled? Could it be moved? Could it be changed in some way or could it be delegated?” and then make that shift based on how you feel about your tasks.

J: Alright. Well, thank you so much for being on the show. And I'll remind everyone that links to everything amazing Kate shared, including that membership and the freebie she mentioned at the beginning can be found at jenriday.com/61. Thank you so much for being on the show, Kate.

K: Thanks, Jen.

J: Take care.

I spoke with Kate after the interview and she has another freebie for you. If you're a mom who also has a home-based business and you're trying to juggle all of the stress of being a mom and growing your business, but you can't quite make the 2 mesh without guilt and overwhelm, well, this is for you. It's called ‘The free sustainable success workshop’ and in this workshop, you'll learn how to grow your business without working more. To get access to Kate's workshop, just go to jenriday.com/success. I will be back next week talking with Crystal Paine, founder of Money-Saving Mom. She shares her story of taking a year of rest in 2016, and if that doesn't intrigue you, nothing will. I know all moms would love to have a year of rest; I certainly would. And so she shares that in next week's episode. I will see you then, and until then, make it a fantastic week. Take care.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast at www.jenriday.com.