67: Building Self Trust and Self Compassion During Your Journey (with Kate O’Brien)
Kate O’Brien and her husband, Henare, both grew up in toxic environments, leaving Kate saying, “I’ll never let a man treat me like that,” and Henare saying, “I’ll never let a woman treat me like that.” Naturally fate brought them together and Kate has allowed their initially rocky 14-year relationship to help her become more self aware, more self compassionate and more accepting of her own humanity.
A visionary & global voice for bold leadership, transformation, playing it big & living from truth. Together with her husband Henare—they hold the space of Australasia's #1 Transformational Leadership Couple & produce the World’s Biggest Personal Development Summit, collaborating annually with over 100 of the greatest thought leaders of our generation – Jack Canfield, Gregg Braden, T. Harv Eker, Brendon Burchard, Marci Shimoff, Dr John Demartini, Dr Joe Dispenza, Michael Bernard Beckwith and many many more.
Nuggets of Wisdom from Kate:
“The risk is a game so I may as well just play it.”
“We have a huge capacity for change, a huge capacity for love and a huge capacity to evolve.”‘
“It took my courage to skip stepping through that door on a moment to moment basis”
“The biggest thing that I've learned is that it's okay to feel like a total human being while you're also being extraordinary.”
“When we go through changes, in that process we also have to allow space for the wobbles of those changes.”
“We can just ride out all of the feelings that come with being human while we keep growing and expanding and remember to enjoy life.”
“When we come back together we've got new growth, new eyes and energy to infuse that with our relationship.”
“A lot of times in the world, we're trying to get rid of the things that aren't feeling good.”
“[I like to remind] all people that it's okay to be human, it's okay to have all of these experiences, and it has absolutely zero reflection on how amazing you are or what you are up to in the world.”
“Have compassion for ourselves, and we can usually shift out of that away more faster.”
“We are the solution. It is not the strategy.”
Some of Kate‘s Favorite Things:
Personal habit: “Connecting into myself. And a cup of tea.”
Easy meal: Smoothies, protein powder.
Favorite kitchen gadget: Blender.
Kate's Favorite Books: Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power by Gary Zukav
Best advice received: “Be yourself!”
Kate's Happiness Formula:
“Passion +truth + commitment.”
A Challenge from Kate:
“After this [interview], please stop, close your computer or your phone. Go and walk into a bathroom and look into the mirror. And when you are looking into the mirror, just notice what's in your head. Do you feel really comfortable and friendly with that beautiful person in there? Or do you feel a bit awkward? Or do you feel resistant, judgmental. Do you feel guilty? Whatever comes up, if it doesn't feel loving, that is the place you go to, to bring the love.”
Spiritual Partnership: The Journey to Authentic Power
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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