331: How to Start Investing (with Kiana Danial)
Research has proven that women are better investors than men, so why are so many women still not investing and reaching retirement unprepared? As women, we should be earning and accumulating our own wealth and this week’s guest not only makes investing seem doable, but is also empowering you with the confidence to get started.
Kiana Danial is an investor for women and CEO of InvestDiva. Her mission is to empower and educate women to take control of their financial future through investing. She joins me to share her experiences of investing and the benefits of doing so, how she now has a portfolio of over $5 million, and why you, as a woman, can and should invest.
Listen in this week to discover how to increase your financial literacy, accumulate wealth, and some types of investing that may be suitable for you depending on your circumstances. Kiana shares some analogies about investing to help you think about it in a way that feels relatable, and some steps you can take to get started. Whether you have money to invest or not, listening to this episode will help you create a plan for how to be self-sufficient and have the freedom to do the things you want to do.
If you want support working towards your goals from myself and other like-minded women, you have to join us inside the Vibrant Happy Women Club. It’s only $47 per month, but if you buy the annual membership you get two months free!
What You’ll Learn:
- The problem with giving your money to a money manager or financial adviser.
- Some of the reasons why we should, as women, be accumulating our own wealth.
- The difference between investing and trading.
- Some myths we’ve been taught about investing, and why they’re not true.
- How investing and accumulating money gives us freedom.
- Why you should consider investing your money versus keeping it in your bank.
- How to assess your own situation, ability, and willingness to invest.
- Why you have to understand the reason behind why you are investing in something.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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- Follow Jen: Instagram | Facebook | Email
- Follow Kiana Danial: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
- Million Dollar Family Secrets: Make Your Money Work for You to Create Generational Wealth by Kiana Danial
- Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies by Kiana Danial
- Click here to access Kiana’s free webinar and risk management toolkit
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Full Episode Transcript:
You’re listening to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast. I’m Dr. Jen Riday. And on this episode you’ll learn why it’s essential that women invest and how to do it. Stay tuned.
Hi, I'm Jen Riday. This podcast is for women who want to feel more vibrant, happy, aligned, and alive. You'll gain the emotional, physical, and spiritual tools you need to get your sparkle back and ensure that depression, anxiety, and struggle don't rule your life. Welcome to the Vibrant Happy Women Podcast.
Hey, my friends, I’m talking with Kiana Danial today. And she is an investor for women. She went from poverty in her childhood to where she is today, being the owner of a five million plus dollar portfolio. And she’s going to teach us the steps on how to do this. She’ll share a lot of technical terms, don’t worry about those. Just listen for how easy it is. Get into the mindset of that you as a woman can and should invest.
Here’s what I think. We as women should be earning and accumulating our own wealth so that when our spouse dies, or we divorce, or there’s a war, or there’s a sickness, we can cover ourselves. I really believe this is essential to being an independent functioning, healthy human being to have some of your own income. So, the next extension of that of course is investing. Well, let me tell you a little bit about Kiana.
Kiana is the CEO of Invest Diva, and her mission is to empower and educate women to take control of their financial future by investing in online financial markets. She’s written five books. She has a really interesting background. Kiana was born and raised in Iran to a Jewish family as a religious minority. She was awarded a scholarship from the Japanese government to study electrical engineering and quantum physics in Japan, being the only female foreigner in her class.
And then she came to the US in 2010 and became a Wall Street investor within two weeks of her arrival. Now she’s a mom, she lives with her husband and daughter in Westport, Connecticut. And she is the owner of Invest Diva, her work, her mission is to help women invest. And you’re going to learn in this episode women are better investors than men. Can you believe it? I love this.
Well, whether you have money to invest or not, listen to this, increase your financial literacy, and create a plan for how you want to start doing this as you move forward so you can be self-sufficient and have the freedom to do the things that, well, we need money to do the things we want to do, to eat, to have fun, to travel, to experience a new thing. So, let’s dive in.
Jen: Hey friends, I am here with Kiana Danial. And we’re going to talk about money and investing. So many women are not investing. They reach retirement unprepared. And I’m super excited for this topic. Welcome to Vibrant Happy Women.
Kiana: Thank you so much for having me, Jen.
Jen: You have a book, a couple of books out. Tell us about those and tell us a little bit about yourself.
Kiana: Absolutely. So, it is interesting because right now I’m this money guru. I’m the CEO of Invest Diva. But I wasn’t like that. I didn’t have any financial background. I was kind of forced into becoming an engineer, born, and raised in Iran, Asian families, basically they push women or all their kids to become either engineers, or doctors, or lawyers. And the whole thing about – the theme about money was that money should not be discussed. Money is not important. You just shouldn’t talk about it or shouldn’t make it your goal of life.
And that is how I was brought up. Right now, I’m completely opposite. Learned the mistakes, changed my money mindset and yes, I do have two bestselling books, one of them is Million Dollar Family Secrets where I help women build a wealth ecosystem. What does that mean? An ecosystem where you increase your income and then make your money work for you by compounding it. Many people think they can only become rich by investing, or trading. Or maybe they can only become rich by having their own business, or asking for that bonus, or marrying a rich husband.
Or all of those, just one element of that is not going to help you become wealthy. And as women it is super important that we are in control of our finances because we do live longer whether you like it or not. And I have so many lawyer friends who tell me heartbreaking stories about young widows who had no idea about what’s happening with their finances. Had no idea where their money was at. Had no emergency fund, had no investments going on and they were completely desperate after something terrible happened.
And I mean even if that’s not going to happen, still you want to be in control of it. So that is my passion. I also have written a book about Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies. I know what you think about crypto, so I’d be happy to tackle anything you want.
Jen: Yes. We will talk about crypto. I was a fan and right now I’m not sure. Isn’t that funny? I’m a fairweather friend. Well, so you talked about women need to invest for retirement but with more and more women divorcing, that’s also another time when you don’t want to be left in a lurch. So, the totally easiest strategy to kind of let your money compound for you, you said we don’t have to invest or be big experts, what is your strategy?
Kiana: Yeah, absolutely. So, I mean to your point about the divorcing. Let’s talk about a lot of all these women who are in abusive relationships and are scared of getting a divorce because of the financial implications that divorce could have. And to be honest with you there were times when my husband and I were not in a good place. And one of the reasons why I was so passionate about making more money was so that I’m secure with my child.
And the interesting fact is that now that we have more money we spend more time with each other. And we have a better relationship as a result of money. So, money is good. Let’s get that out of the way about money.
Jen: Yes, it really is, I like that.
Kiana: It really does if you have the money it’s one less problem to worry about. It literally is just as simple as that. Money is a tool. So, talk about investing, what is a low risk way to invest? Let’s not even talk about that. I mean low risk way to invest, okay, that’s great. But why even invest? I think that’s a bigger question. People are, “Okay, if I can just have all of my money sitting in the bank, what’s the problem with that? Why invest if I can give my money to a money manager? What’s your problem with that? What’s the big risk?”
I am already investing. I have all my money in my 401K account. Or I have a Roth IRA, or my husband is taking care of it. So, would it be okay if I take a little bit of maybe five minutes just to talk about these myths that we were taught?
Jen: Yes, do it.
Kiana: Because the first time I learned about this, I was actually in Japan. So, I settled on a student dream in Japan, I was born and raised in Iran to a Jewish family and then after the revolution, the government took over all of my dad’s assets. They were going to kill him but didn’t kill him. But bottom line is that we grew up with not much. I went to Japan, tried to study electrical engineering, was not good at it. But what I did do in Japan and the reason why I’m bringing this up is because the 2008 market crash happened when I was there.
And I had no idea what a market crash is. I didn’t know what a recession means in no language. I didn’t know what it means in English. I didn’t know what it means in Japanese. I had no idea what inflation is. But out of nowhere I was speaking to some people, and they were saying that, “Okay, there was a recession happening.” And I went, “Alright, who cares?” And they were like, “Well, the Central Banks are printing money.” And I’m like, “Okay. What do I care?” And I never forget this.
And they said, “That means that the money that you have sitting in the bank, it’s losing its value day after day. It’s like setting it on fire.” And I’m like, “What? Why?” They said, “Well, it’s because of this thing called inflation.” I’m like, “What’s inflation?” It’s like, “Well, inflation is the reason why your parents probably paid way less for a gallon of milk than you do.” I’m like, “Yeah, I get it.” I’m like, “Wow. So, what should I do instead?” They said, “You should invest it. The only way to combat inflation is to make your money grow.”
And now I like to call it make your money have babies. And I’m like, “Alright, I don’t know how to invest, I’m not going to do it.” So, I did the next best thing, which was finding a money manager. I’m like, “I don’t know anything about this. I’m going to give it to the proud, they have to be better than me. It is their freaking job.” And as it turned out, not so much. So, what happens with financial advisors is that they have all these C level titles, and they’re very intimidating and they make investment sound so intimidating that you think that you cannot do whatever they’re doing.
But I soon learned that money managers, what they have in their best interest is their best interest in mine. So, money managers, they invest your money in stuff that makes their company and their partners, money through commissions. And oftentimes that means that may or may not be in your best interest. And on top of that they take a commission out of what little money they are making out of your account. So, what money managers typically do is that they take your money and put in something called a mutual fund.
Now, you don’t want to have to worry about what a mutual fund is but just know that mutual funds actually underperform the market average by 86%. The market average is around 8% to 12% every single year, year after year, no matter where the cycle goes, or inflation is down or low. At the end of the day long term, it averages out 8 to 12% per year. The money managers underperform that which means that my money in that money manager’s bank account, hedge fund or whatever they have it in, mutual fund was barely growing.
So, money managers who are supposed to be good at investing actually lose money compared to the average market. And a couple of years later, after all this I actually got fired from my job and went through this massive heartbreak because the guy I thought I’m going to marry, cheated on me, and dumped me, and whatever. And then I really needed that money back because I needed to pay rent. So, I was like, “Alright, let me get the money out and pay rent until I figure this thing out.” And the guy is like, “Sure, but do you remember that 50 page contract you signed?” I’m like, “Yeah.”
“Well, you’re not allowed to get the money out before 25 years and if you do make a withdrawal you have to pay a 75% penalty.” And I’m like, “What does a 75% penalty mean?” It means that if you put $100,000 you come out with $15,000. That’s a great investment. Not so much. So, I felt super angry. I was defeated. I was like, “This does not make any sense.” So that is when I became – this is the story of how I became super passionate about all these finance and wealth things.
I studied to become a CFP certified financial planner. I studied for CMT and CFA and all these fancy certified financial titles that money managers had. And I actually ended up working on Wall Street, learned different things about strategies and well, now it’s great for me because now I’m in control of my money. My portfolio has now grown to $5 million over years, and years, and years, which we’re going to talk about.
But what I really wanted to emphasize is that leaving your money in the bank is like buying a brand new car. What happens to your brand new car? The moment you get it out, it devalues. So that is leaving your money in the bank. Giving your money to a money manager is like giving the keys of your new car to your teenage son who’s going to get drunk and drunk drive it. And then ask for some money to give it back to you. That is giving your money to a money manager.
But investing is like buying a limited edition Lamborghini and selling it for more money to a car fanatic or something. So, what I would love to know what your listeners are doing, or think about what you’re currently doing with your money. Is it working for you? Do you have it in the bank? Is it in the 401K? Or maybe you just let your husband handle it because let me tell you about 401Ks. What happens with 401Ks also is that typically if you are not actively managing it, it goes to a mutual fund.
And Americans pay, it’s about $5.6 billion with a B, per year in early withdrawal fees. So, people think that 401Ks are a little risk. It may be little risk if you don’t know what you’re doing. But what is interesting is that I found out that investing isn’t as hard as these C level people are making it to be. And I’ve found out why they make it sound so intimidating. Do you want to know why?
Jen: Why?
Kiana: They are going to lose their job.
Jen: Yes. That kind of leads us to crypto which everyone is doing it on their own and the big people don’t love it at all.
Kiana: Well, because again, so cryptocurrency is now a kind of a competition between the banks and giving power back to the consumer. Again, cryptocurrency I’m not saying is lower risk. It is high risk if you don’t know what you’re doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, read my book. I understand that there’s a lot of volatility. Obviously, you have to understand why you’re investing in cryptocurrency. So, if you want me to talk about that, I mean just to be transparent I don’t only invest in cryptocurrencies, only 25% of my whole portfolio is in crypto.
And the reason why I decided to finally get into crypto is, this is interesting because I was introduced to cryptocurrency back in 2011.
Jen: Nice.
Kiana: No, it’s not nice because I was like, “This is way too risky, I’m not going to invest in it.” Bitcoin was $10 back then. And I was like, “No, not for me. I don’t get it.” So, I did not invest in it. So obviously, I’m kicking myself now. It wasn’t until 2017 that a company in the UK asked me to do some research analysis with them. And I really went in and understood what cryptocurrencies really are and what value they actually bring in. Because if you look at it on the surface, they are not shares of a company, what exactly are they doing?
So, you do have to do the homework and understand if this is something you want to be involved in. Some people, majority of people got involved in them just because they heard about it and they’re like, “Okay, I want to,” Elon Musk is talking about it. This guy’s talking about it. My Uber driver’s talking about it. My nephew’s talking about. I’m going to go get in it. But if you understand, and this goes with all kinds of investing. The fundamentals reason why you want to be invested in it.
And if it matches your risk tolerance then you can go ahead and invest in it. Now, I’m going to tell my story and you obviously can go and make the decision on your own. The reason why I became fascinated with crypto was when I started learning about Bitcoin, and I was studying about it.
I told you the story about my dad losing all of his money to the Iranian government. So, what really happened was that the Iranian government came in and because he was so rich they froze his bank accounts, took all of his machinery. Came to our homes and just got everything out, took everything, as much as they could. And my dad hadn’t diversified, he was putting everything he was making back into investment banks in Iran and whatever it was, but it was all there.
As I was reading about Bitcoin in particular at the time, and figuring out about its decentralized nature, that no centralized authority can come, just go, and grab, come, and take it from you. It can’t just freeze it. If my dad had even a fraction of his assets in cryptocurrencies back then if it existed I wouldn’t have grown up in poverty. So that is how it made sense to me. I do invest in other cryptocurrencies for other reasons as well. But Bitcoin is because I just want to have some sort of a safety net. I would like to not keep all my eggs in one basket.
So that’s why I’m investing in Bitcoin. Of course, if you want to take actually a lower risk, actually Bitcoin is not the one with the highest growth potential is because it has already kind of matured. But because of supply and demand and that, the fact that there is only going to be ever 21 million Bitcoins ever. And Bitcoin has huge brand recognition meaning it’s probably not going to go anywhere. And is the only decentralized asset which means majority of people like me who want to hedge against whatever it is, other authorities, they will be investing in Bitcoin.
Then there is a very good chance that the Bitcoin’s price is going to go back up. Now, I don’t even care about that. I’m just happy having an asset that is very different than all of my other assets. So that’s why you have to understand why you’re investing in something. And once you have certainty about the reason why you’re getting in it then when the markets go up and down, and if you have a long term point of view you are not going to even care. I don’t even check the markets every single day which is weird, people are shocked.
I’m on the news talking about the markets often but I don’t watch the news because they are created to create hype and FOMO and great headlines and get you interested. And none of that is going to help you become a better investor. Real investing is boring, it takes one hour per month, and you don’t even want to think about it.
Jen: Right. That’s true. So how else do you diversify, what other baskets do you have your eggs in besides crypto?
Kiana: So, I primarily invest in stocks, individual stocks. I don’t invest in index funds. And the reason for that is, okay, so investing in index funds is better than not investing at all. Again, it’s lower risk, you don’t know what you’re investing in, you are giving your fortune to somebody else. An index fund is typically managed by a fund manager. Now, for obvious reasons I prefer to sell my own stocks. But here’s how index funds and stocks are different, or individual assets.
Investing in index funds is like taking the bus. If you don’t know how to drive, you don’t have a driver’s license it is to your best interest not getting into a car and kill yourself. It is to your best interest to take a bus even though it could be slow, even though it might have a lot of stops. And you are not fully in control. You can’t just make a stop if you want, if you’re a mom, you’re picking up.
Think of it this way because if you’re a mom you have to go pick up your kids. Would you rather take a city bus and go and make all these stops and go pick up your kids or you want to have your own car and go and do it on your own terms? So, I believe that once you learn how to properly invest and create strategies that are suitable to your risk tolerance, it is, you are far better off investing in individual stocks because you are again, the whole point of this is to putting back control in your own hands.
So that is how I do it. And one thing I do want to emphasize is that when we were talking about investing, what we don’t mean is trading. So, trading and investing are vastly different. Actually, I didn’t know about this. So when I first got started on Wall Street and I was actually reporting on the New York Stock Exchange, and I was surrounded by all these people on the floor of New York Stock Exchange who were managing millions of dollars. I was like, “Alright, I’m just going to do whatever they’re doing.” I had kind of this fake sense of confidence because I was surrounded by all these people.
So, I went in with all my $15,000 savings account. And I lost my entire savings. How is that even possible? I just listened to what everybody else was doing. And there was this one guy named Guy Spier. He told me “Hey, you’ve got to stop trading as an individual and you’ve got to start investing.” Like, how is that even different?
It turned out that trading is the one that you are stuck to a screen all day, you’re watching the news, you’re watching the price go up and down. It is designed for investment bankers who are managing millions of dollars of other people’s money which makes them less emotional because it's not their money.
Jen: And they have massive computers that really do most of it now.
Kiana: That and also the fact that because they have started with millions of dollars they can accept higher leverage. If you’re going in with let’s say 500 bucks per month which is what then I decided to do. You cannot make money by day trading and going in and out. First of all, it is going to cost you a lot on taxes. Because every time you take a profit you have to pay taxes on it. And second, it’s just going to take away from your happiness and your life and anything else that you can do to enjoy your life.
Investing, the way that I look at it is making your money work for you. Being stuck to a screen is not making your money work for you, is you work and get. And if you want to increase your income, you have a much better chance of actually making meaningful money in having your own business and then investing it. And that is actually what I have, I call it my wealth ecosystem where I invest in myself to learn high income generating skills. And then I increase my income and then I invest it. And I do it over, and over, and over again.
And I know it sounds simplistic but that is literally how I have reached a $5 million portfolio. That is it, invest in yourself, increase your income, and then invest that money and let it work on your behalf. So, let’s go through the steps.
Step number one, if you’re super curious about getting started with investing is you want to create an account with a broker. So, if you’re investing in stocks, any broker will do as long as you are not giving them the control. You are in control. It can be TD Ameritrade, Robinhood, E-Trade, Interactive Brokers, Fidelity, all of these brokers are tools that you can use to make your money work for you. These are in the US. If you’re investing in crypto, Gemini, Coinbase, all good choices as long as you’re in control.
Step number two is where it’s at. Step number two is what the majority of people don’t do and is the reason why they lose money, or they feel upset or emotional about losses and the markets ups and downs. So, number two is identifying your risk tolerance. What is your risk tolerance? So, some people will say, “I have a very high risk tolerance, I always go to Vegas, and I play [inaudible] or “Oh my gosh, I have a really low risk tolerance.” You’re guessing. So, identifying your risk tolerance is actually something you can calculate. And you don’t have to be a math whiz to do it.
Calculate punching some numbers in your mobile phone. Now, would it be okay if I give your audience a gift?
Jen: Sure, that would be great.
Kiana: Yeah. So, there is actually this risk management toolkit that I’ve prepared, it’s six Excel sheets that you can go in and punch in the numbers and know exactly what your ability to take a risk is. All you have to do is to go to investdiva.com/masterclass. It’s investdiva.com/masterclass. And there is a webinar they can go watch. And after the webinar you’re going to get this risk management toolkit that you can go ahead and then identify your ability to take a risk and understand where you stand financially, know how much money you have in your net worth, what is your cash flow.
And then you can go ahead to step number three because so far we’ve talked about the first two steps you need to take in order to start investing. And this was step number two, do not do step number three if you haven’t done step number two because this is where if you don’t do this there is a very good chance that if you’re not going to lose money at least you’re going to lose sleep which is not good because sleep is a beautiful thing.
Jen: Okay. So, it helps us have the big picture of our financial situation so we know we can afford to invest.
Kiana: And what to invest in because people ask me, “Okay, Kiana, tell me just one stock to invest, what’s the best stock?” I’m like, “I can’t because your situation is different than mine. We’re a different age. We have different goals. We have different financial situations. We have different responsibilities.” My risk tolerance was way higher, at least my willingness to take a risk was higher when I was single in New York and just mingling around. I didn’t even care about nobody.
So, I had a willingness to take a risk, but I had no money so my ability to take a risk was lower. But yeah, my time horizon was longer. So, all of this, you have to get the big picture of not just your willingness but also ability. Somebody who is approaching retirement, their willingness to take a risk might be lower because they’re like, “You know what? I want to enjoy my investment soon. Or I want to give gifts to my grandchildren.” But their ability to take a risk might be higher because they have accumulated some money.
So, you have to understand exactly what your situation is so that you can invest in assets that make sense to you. One very interesting example is Warren Buffett because he’s famously against cryptocurrency investing. And actually, my whole investment strategy is Warren Buffett’s strategy. And people laugh and are like, “But he doesn’t even invest in crypto.” He’s over 90. Cryptocurrencies does not make sense for him, especially at his level.
He has done it. He’s been there, done that, he’s built a name for himself. What if he dies the day the cryptocurrency’s down and that is going to be his legacy? So, he doesn’t understand it. Don’t invest in something you don’t understand. You don’t have to. There are multiple paths to success or to wealth. So, for him yeah, cryptocurrency probably doesn’t make sense. Don’t invest in it, good for you. To somebody else who actually understands it, if it makes sense to you then you might want to go in and consider adding it to your portfolio.
And this is what you’ve got to understand once you calculate your ability and willingness to take a risk. Does that make sense?
Jen: Awesome.
Kiana: Awesome. So, step number three then now that you know where you are, you want to know where you’re going. Why you’re even investing. Are you investing because you want to generate income? Is it for retirement? Do you have a three year goal, five year goal, seven year goal? What is your plan? And that is again going to give you some additional information of what type of investments you want to make. So, for example, somebody with a lower income at a lower tax bracket, again, taxes come into play here.
Who don’t pay a lot of taxes and capital gains and they want to generate income, dividend investing might be suitable for them. But for me because I have a business that generates me a lot of money I don’t want any additional money. I don’t want to pay any more on taxes. I just want my money to work in the background. So, dividend investing does not make sense for me. I invest in other assets that have longer, I don’t even care about five years. I look at 10 to 20 years.
Somebody else may be like, “You know what? No, I want to buy a house in five years, so, no, I have to.” So, these are all the factors that play a role when it comes to creating your investment strategy. So, once you’ve figured that out, that is when you can go ahead to step number four which is the fun part which is asset picking. I call it asset picking, not apple picking but asset picking. And you’re going to pick assets that match your risk tolerance and your goals.
Now, this is interesting because there is one thing you can do if you find out your ability to take a risk is low. There are two things you can do to increase your risk tolerance, not your willingness but your ability. One is obviously to increase your income. The other one is increasing your confidence in the asset that you’re investing in.
So, your confidence in the asset trumps your ability or willingness to take a risk because if you’ve done your homework, if you know this company inside and out, if you know that their category is going to be here for a long term. If you’re a customer of that company, if you’re like, “You know what? This is the company that I spend so much money every day and every month on this company, this is the company that I believe is going to stay around for the next 10, 20 years.” Your confidence is going to beat your – it’s going to increase your risk tolerance.
So that’s something that you really need to go and do it on your own. And the worst way to do it is to go on Twitter and figure out what other people are talking about. The best way to do it is to go to your credit card, if you’re investing in stocks, look at the statements and see what companies you are already a customer of. Because as a customer you’re going to have so much insight into that company. And you’re going to know if you hate their management because all these things, this is what makes a company’s stock go up and down, their customers, that’s where it’s at.
So, you want to gain insights in companies that you already know and do some more research about it. And then you can go ahead and see what other people are talking about it. And that is actually step number five when it comes to creating a strategy around that asset. So now you know what you want to invest in. But now you don’t know if it’s very high price, if it’s going to drop. So, this is where you need to become a little bit more literate.
And again, if you know how to strike a deal at Black Friday and get the best sales you are going to be able to buy stocks at sales. Because what moves the market has nothing to do with math, has nothing to do with earnings report. This might come as a shock to you. It has all and only to do with market and people psychology. The markets move or the markets go up for one reason, one reason only, is because there are more buyers than sellers. Why are there more buyers?
People only buy for one reason and one reason only, not just stocks but anything else is because they feel like it. People only buy because they feel like it. They may back it up by some sort of logic. But the person who buys a Ferrari only buys a Ferrari because they feel like it. And then they go back it up by logic, they’re like “Oh, the engine is really cool.” Or the person who buys a Chanel bag only buys a Chanel bag because they feel like it. And they back it up by ‘logic’ that the leather is – it doesn’t even make sense. They only bought it because they felt like it.
And the stock market is the same way. And you already have insight in the markets. Now, what’s really cool is that the markets, majority of them are men. And we know what moves men, which is the reason why by the way, research shows that women are better investors is because men typically, especially the ones in investment banking, like we saw Wolf of Wall Street probably it’s true. And men invest or they’re driven by testosterone. And they are going in it to prove they’re the man and they were smart and all the good stuff.
And as women, now that you know what is moving the market and you can see it in the charts, you get to decide when do you want to go in. And then the beauty of it is that you don’t have to go talk to any men, you can see all of their behavior in this beautiful thing called a chart, that prints exactly what is happening in the market right now. That could seem a little bit intimidating but it’s just looking at history. I call it chart art because it’s literally like looking at art and seeing what the market is doing. Is it going up and down? What is the sentiment?
And then identifying the psychological prices, I basically put it in my Invest Diva Diamond Analysis system, and it takes me literally an hour per month to manage my $5 million portfolio.
Jen: Awesome. So, I love this. You make it feel doable. You gave us some confidence saying women are actually better investors So where should people go if they want to get started with investing but want a little guidance?
Kiana: Yeah, absolutely. So that link that we talked about before, investdiva.com/masterclass. This is by far my most popular free masterclass that I get a little bit deeper into what we just talked about, and I give a little bit more tips on how to actually apply the IDDA, the Invest Diva Diamond Analysis system. Over 200,000 people have gone through it. It has impacted so many people so definitely do yourself this favor. Go to investdiva.com/masterclass and check this out.
The best time to start investing was 10 years ago. The second best time is today. And you want to get that money to start working for you because you know what? Then you get to do stuff that make you happy. I mean that’s the beauty of it. You get to do the stuff that make you happy. And I know, Jen, that is your mission, to be happy so that’s your happiness, make more money.
Jen: Yes. Yes. I am a big fan. I think women should absolutely not only make and earn their own money but invest and accumulate their own money. Money gives you choices and freedom and we all need that. So, thank you for your work in the world and for sharing it with us today.
Kiana: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me.
Jen: Take care, Kiana.
Kiana: Thank you.
Jen: Thank you.
Alright my friends, your next step is simply to think about where you want to go. Kiana mentioned having a roadmap. Where do you want to be and why do you want to accumulate money? What would you do with that? You can of course use Kiana’s tools that she talked about. You can grab a journal and just journal where you are, where you want to go. And map out a plan to get there. Listen to this episode again to hear Kiana’s steps.
You can increase your financial literacy and you can accumulate your own wealth. Now, I love you, you’ve got this, women are the best investors, never let yourself forget that truth. I will see you again next time. Until then make it a vibrant, and happy, and wealthy week. Take care.
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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