329: Words of Wisdom for Teens (with Jacqui Letran)
We all have that inner teen inside of us. We have feelings of not being good enough and anxiety about what other people think of us. But rather than feeling anxiety and panic when we think those thoughts, we can choose to use tools to help bring our nervous systems back to a place of emotional safety. And this week’s guest is here to help.
Jacqui Letran is an Award-Winning Author, Speaker, Nurse Practitioner, and Mindset Mentor. She blends more than 20 years of experience working with teens to provide time-tested practical tools to help people embody confidence. Her multi-award-winning Words of Wisdom for Teens book series is a go-to resource for teens, parents of tends, and anybody working with teens. Even if you aren’t a parent of a teen, there is so much value in this episode that you don’t want to miss.
In this episode, Jacqui shares the power of choosing your emotions and some tips and tools to handle anxiety, depression, and uncomfortable emotions. She shares how her own experiences as a teenager led her to want to help other teen girls and the power of getting to the root of your feelings and reprogramming your brain.
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What You’ll Learn:
- Why teen anxiety and depression are 4 times higher than they were a decade ago.
- What EFT tapping is and why it is Jacqui’s favorite tool to access her subconscious.
- Jacqui’s incredible story of how her teenage years influenced why she does the work she does.
- Some tips to acknowledge how you are feeling, allow it, and then switch to calm.
- Her advice to teens and moms of teens dealing with anxiety and depression.
- Why you can feel as calm as you want to feel, and how to do it.
- How to change your thoughts when they are not what you want to be.
- Some in-the-moment tools teens can use to soothe anxiety and depression.
Listen to the Full Episode:
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- Follow Jacqui Letran: Website | Facebook | Instagram
- Click here to get the Words of Wisdom for Teens book series
- I Would But My Damn Mind Won’t Let Me by Jacqui Letran
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Full Episode Transcript:
You’re listening to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast. We’re talking about teen girls and tools for helping them cope with anxiety and depression so they can be more confident. This is an important episode for all of us even if we’re not teens. So, stay tuned.
Hi, I'm Jen Riday. This podcast is for women who want to feel more vibrant, happy, aligned, and alive. You'll gain the emotional, physical, and spiritual tools you need to get your sparkle back and ensure that depression, anxiety, and struggle don't rule your life. Welcome to the Vibrant Happy Women Podcast.
Hey there, my friends, welcome back to the Vibrant Happy Women podcast. If you haven’t subscribed do so below because we have another great episode coming every week. Well, today my guest is Jacqui Letran. And you’re going to hear us talk about karate in this episode. I said I felt like I have had Jackie Chan on my podcast.
Jacqui Letran, and she’s teaching us all about how to handle anxiety, and depression, and those moments of uncomfortable emotions especially when we’re teens. And this applies to us who are adult women and men as well. Because there are ways to acknowledge how we’re feeling and to then switch to the feeling of calm, allowing the emotion but then switching back to calm, not comparing ourselves to others but comparing ourselves just to us where we were last week, where we want to be next week. So it’s such an important episode.
Let me tell you a little bit about Jacqui. So, Jacqui is a nurse practitioner, author, speaker, and teen confidence expert. She blends more than 20 years of experience working with teens and helps provide time tested practical tools to help teens and body confidence. So, her multi award winning Words of Wisdom for Teens book series is considered a go to resource for teens, parents of teens and anyone working with teens. So, whether you’re a teen mom or not, or a teen dad or not, it’s important to acknowledge we all have that inner teen still in there.
We all have those feelings of not good enough, what do they think of me? Did I say the right thing? And so on. And rather than feel the anxiety and panic that can come up when we think those thoughts, it’s so important to have tools that can help us bring that anxiety down and bring our bodies, our nervous systems back to a place of emotional safety. So, I’m super excited about this conversation today. Let’s dive in.
Jen: Hey everyone, I am here with Jacqui Letran today. And we’re talking about teen girls. So, whether you have a teen girl or not, this is important because we all still have our inner teen in there, all those thoughts and feelings, they’re still wired in our brains and influence us today. So, I’m super excited for this topic. Welcome to the show, Jacqui.
Jacqui: Thank you so much for having me on today. I am so passionate about this topic, can’t wait to see where it goes.
Jen: So how did you get interested in helping teen girls? I assume you have a story from your teen years that you can share with us.
Jacqui: The reason I am so passionate about helping teen girls is because I was that girl that needed help desperately. And I had no clue where to go for help. And to be completely honest I don’t think I had the confidence to even seek help if I knew where to go. The one time that I sought help, it was not great. I’m not sure how much you want to go into that but there’s a huge story behind that.
Jen: Yeah. Let’s hear it, I think we all relate to stories so well, if you feel comfortable sharing, yeah.
Jacqui: Definitely. So, I became sexually active when I was 16, early, a couple of months into 16. And I knew I did not want to get pregnant, so I went to the local community center to get on birth control. And I’m going to totally age myself, back then before you can get on birth control you have to get a Pap smear. Don’t have to do that anymore thank goodness. But I went in and filled the paperwork. And I swear, the way that I felt was all the ladies behind the desk was sitting there with their glasses at the tip of their nose looking down at me.
And I partially filled out the paperwork the first day and just left. I was too scared. The second day I did the same thing, and I stayed a little bit longer, but I could not go through. The third time I came back, probably now two months in or so I’m like, “I’m staying, I do not want to get pregnant. I know that for sure. And no matter how scary this is I am staying.” I stayed, I am so proud of myself. And I got back in with the nurse and the first thing they do is ask a few questions and they have you get ready for a Pap smear. And this before I even met the doctor.
So, I’m lying there with a paper drape over my legs and I’m completely terrified. I am super, super, super modest. So, I’m terrified of this whole thing, feeling like I’m totally exposed. And that paper thin gown we all know does not help. Anyhow, the doctor walks in, it’s a male doctor, I did not expect that. He’d walked in, grabbed my chart, kind of flipped through it, reading a couple of things. Took the chart, walked towards me, slapped my behind with the chart and said, “Get dressed out, you don’t need birth control, you are pregnant.”
Jen: Oh, no, yikes.
Jacqui: Yeah. Yikes. I mean tears and I think I was in probably total shock for I don’t know how long before it hits me. And then I’m a big crying mess because that’s exactly I did not want to have happen. And now I’m pregnant. What am I supposed to do? And how can I tell my mom? And that whole – that’s the one time I went to get help.
Jen: Oh man. Oh, I wish it were easier and not so scary, yeah.
Jacqui: And a lot of it now is so different than back then. And back then, okay, so I’m going to tell the age of myself again, 30 plus years ago. It’s a different mentality that we had back then. And it’s a different medical process that we had back then. And although in that moment it was the worst moment of my life, it gave me so much. On the other side of it, it gave me this passion that I still have and that drives everything that I do.
So sometimes in those very terrible moments, if you just pause and just let yourself be and give yourself permission to experience the emotion and then let yourself deal with it. There is a huge gift, a huge potential behind anything that happens to you as long as you’re willing to take the lesson and move forward, and drop the pain whenever you’re ready to.
Jen: I love that you’re sharing this so vulnerably. There’s so much shame attached to teen pregnancy. And it doesn’t need to be that way. Like you’re saying, life happens for us, not to us. And yeah, you wanted life to happen the way you had planned but here’s this detour. How did you move forward? And here you are today sharing your story, how did you get from there to here?
Jacqui: I am very, very lucky that I had a – I didn’t think so back then, my mother was incredibly strict. And all she wanted from us kids were to focus on our education. And of course, I hated every single second of her saying, “Study, study, you have to study.” But after having my son and realizing that I have had this generational trauma thing going on and we lived in poverty. And I had a huge self-hatred, and anxiety, and depression. But when I looked into my son’s eyes I’m like, “Something has to change. I have to change for him.”
I have to do whatever it takes so that I can make sure that he doesn’t have to go through this and do whatever it takes so that I can be deserving of this little being because he was just so beautiful and perfect in every way. And so, from there I started reading every single book I can get my hand on to. I was just reading, and reading, and consuming as much as I can. I’d been a reader before that but not necessarily self-help books. But I got really into it and from there that’s just the start of my journey.
But then because of my educational background, how strict my mom was I was set up to go to school. My mind knew how to do the school thing. So, I took my GED, went to college and right away I knew I wanted to be a nurse or a doctor because I wanted to give back to the medical community. I take that back, I don’t want to give back to the medical community. I want to give back to the teen girls. I want to be able to be a resource for them and to create a safe space for them. The whole birth and delivery with more trauma stories that we won’t go into.
But basically, a lot of my whole journey from the time I discovered I was pregnant until I delivered my son, there was just so much shame like you mentioned, a lot of mistreatment from the people are supposed to care about you and teach you how to handle this whole process. So, I knew I wanted to work in the medical field for that exact reason, kept going and became a nurse practitioner at 23 years old.
And then worked in general care for two years just to get my grounds in medicine and then went straight into adolescent health and did that for seven years before opening up my own medical clinics for teen girls.
Jen: That’s awesome. And having been through it you have so much more compassion for any teen struggles. There’s so many struggles teens can face, addiction, STDs, pregnancy, homelessness, parents divorcing. So now you’ve written a book called Words of Wisdom for Teens. Tell us about that book and what inspired it?
Jacqui: Sure. So, the Words of Wisdom for Teens is actually the book series. I have six books under that series. Three of them are how to books, and the other three are the companion journal because the one thing that was missing for me as I was reading, is I’m reading these things and it’s amazing, but I don’t know how to apply it. You have this great concept and content and unless you actually do something with it, you’re motivated one day, and you’re inspired the next, and then you’re like, okay, I don’t know what to do. So, I’m back to my old ways.
And so that’s why I have the companion journals with my book, the inspiration for that actually came from my clients. So, I did medicine for, my goodness, I don’t remember how many years, 16, 17 years. And I was madly in love with my medical clinic for the teen girls and all of that until I fell out of love for it. And the reason I stopped enjoying what I did was because I kept on hearing the girls say the same things. And it became a huge problem for me. And that was, if only I didn’t have depression I could do this. Anxiety is holding me back. Jacqui said I need to be on this medication for six months. And I kept on hearing all of these reasons why these girls cannot live the life they want and can’t be their best self. And I felt really responsible because I went into this field because I wanted to help and here I am hearing these things and I feel like I’m just giving them a crutch, a reason why they don’t have to really step into themselves and do the things they really wanted to do. And so, I started researching an alternative option, discovered a bunch of holistic modalities.
And when I first heard about it, I’m like, “Right. There is no way this woo woo stuff could work. Where is the science? Give me the studies and all of that because I’ve been science based my entire life.” But something about it was intriguing so I kept learning and I kept getting more and more advanced in the degrees and stuff like that. And eventually I stopped, I closed down my medical clinics and started a holistic mindset mentoring practice.
And it’s there that these books came out because I would teach my first visit client the same thing, how does the mind work? How do you start controlling your thoughts and feelings? Why do you experience life one way and another person in the same situation experience it completely differently? And I would teach the same basic stuff and the clients are like, “Can you write that down for me? I love that. I want to remember it. I want to share it. I want to teach it.” I’m like, “I have no idea what I just said. I spoke to you for an hour.” And I kept on getting the same request over and over again.
And after a while I’m like, “You know what? I’ll sit down, I’ll write a PDF.” I hate writing. I thought, I’m a terrible writer, so I sat down, and I wrote my PDF. And it kept growing, and growing, and growing. I’m like, “I have a book.” So that’s kind of my entry into becoming an author.
Jen: That’s so cool. And so many people need it. So, you mentioned teen anxiety and depression. I’ve read that they are four times higher than they were one decade ago. Why do you think that is right now, what are the reasons for that?
Jacqui: Oh my gosh, with the uncertainty of this whole COVID thing for the past couple of years, it’s doing a number on all of us. But on the teens, I think it’s a little bit more evident because they live their lives so outwardly. And they don’t have enough confidence within themselves to handle whatever’s coming around. As an adult we understand that some things may feel like it's the end of the world right now, but it too will pass. With the teen years they live in the moment, and everything is magnified and amplify and then adding into that social media.
And every tiny little mistake you make is out there. And there’s all these things that’s constantly bombarding you with how perfect you have to be because everybody’s little snapshot of social media is like this perfect world and then you look at your own and you’re like, yeah, my life sucks. And then you compare yourself to the other pictures and you’re like, “And I’m so ugly. And I am so fat or I’m so skinny, or I’m so whatever.” And the girls, I mean even though they are aware because we all do this.
We don’t take a picture and we post, we take 20 pictures. And then we edit the one to make it better. And then we post that. And then maybe five, for the teens especially, after maybe 10/15 minutes there’s no like, they take it off and they put another picture on until they get that kind of engagement. Everybody does that but for some reason we forget when we look at other people’s picture that they did the exact same thing. And instead of taking 20 pictures, they might have taken 80 pictures.
There’s one girl and I’ve forgot her name, she does her beautiful, perfect Instagram poses. And then she does it behind a screen. And the way she crops herself, it’s just perfection. And then she zooms out to show you what really is and is not, it’s real life. But a lot of us forget about that, especially the teens and so with everything that’s coming, all the pressure to be perfect, all the pressure to compete with the next person. And then of course the internal pressure because we do want to be the best we can be.
It just adds up so much that it makes it almost impossible for many of the teens to not deal with anxiety or depression on some level.
Jen: Absolutely, yes to all of that. I’ve noticed, when I pay very close attention, when I’m on social media for any length of time I can feel my mood drop. And then I’ll analyze why, and it is that comparison piece. I wish we weren’t this way but we kind of do gauge our success by where others around us are at. So, when I put social media away which I almost never go on social media, my team posts for me. Sometimes I’ll go see what’s happening on there. But when I put that away there’s that comparison piece just disappears.
And I’m just living against my personal best and that feels so much better because I know where I was last week and where I want to be next week, how I want to interact with my spouse, my kids. So, I wish we didn’t have to deal with social media but it’s here so what advice did you give your teens to overcome that because I’m sure we could use the same advice?
Jacqui: So rather than just giving advice to control the symptoms, when I work with my clients we go deeper into the roots. Because for me the way that I work my belief is that if you’re solid hearing yourself, no matter what is out here, you’re going to go, “Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous but I’m okay. I’m not comparing myself.” And just like you said, I know me, so I’m comparing me against me yesterday, against me a week ago, a month ago. And then I have the me that I’m progressing towards. And that’s where I’m headed.
And so, working on the confidence piece is where I really arrive at. And that’s when you see major changes in the teens. And so, one of my books, my bestselling book in the series is called I Would But My Damn Mind Won’t Let Me. And that title was given to me by my teen clients. And then that book basically, the way that I look at that book is it’s kind of like a manual for how the mind works. That’s the book that all my clients ask me to write a PDF on.
And so, in that book and in my practice, in my belief and how I live my life is really I truly believe that no matter what problem you’re dealing with, whether it’s a self-image issue, whether it’s learning how to communicate with a partner, whether it’s a war and we’re talking about, it all comes down to four beliefs. And I call them four misguided beliefs and they drive human actions and reactions. And they cause all the problems. And so, do you want to hear the four?
Jen: Yes. And I’m imagining Putin has all of them. No, just kidding.
Jacqui: We all have them, that’s the thing. That’s the beauty of it is that we’re not that different from each other.
Jen: Yeah, it’s true.
Jacqui: Right. It’s just how interpret it and how we internalize it that makes it different. So, the four misguided beliefs that cause all your problems are these. A belief of I’m not enough, I’m not pretty enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not rich enough, I’m not far enough in my career. I’m not a thin enough daughter, whatever it is. But a belief of I’m not enough. And if you have the belief you tend to also believe I’m not worthy. I’m not good enough therefore I don’t deserve. And they kind of go hand in hand. The third one is I’m not loved/I’m not lovable.
And then the fourth one is I’m not safe. And I’m not safe could be I’m not safe emotionally. If someone knows the truth of who I am they might reject me, or I’m not safe physically. Someone’s going to harm my body. And so, if you think about those four beliefs, checkmark, checkmark, checkmark, checkmark. And they might not be all there at the same time. They might not be there for months or years at a time. But there is always something that happens in our life that will trigger one or most of all those four.
And people who live in anxiety and depression, those are just triggered and are just are ongoing versus giving you that space and grace to just breathe for a moment. They’re just constantly in the background of your mind, don’t do it, you’re going to fail. Don’t do it, you don’t know enough. Don’t do it, people are going to make fun of you. Don’t do it, they’re going to hurt you. And if you hear those sounds in your voice constantly, it feels like that’s who you are. And that’s not the truth of who you are, it is just your subconscious mind doing it’s best to keep you ‘safe.’
And your subconscious mind has a program that says if this person is in fear, chances are they’re not going to pursue the thing that they want to pursue, therefore they’re not going to put them self at risk for rejection, or hurt, or disappointment. So, let’s keep them in fear. That’s kind of how the whole basis is.
Jen: Yeah, let’s be afraid and stay stuck right here and scroll on Netflix or social, yes. So how do you change those thoughts that aren’t really who we want to be?
Jacqui: Right. So, there is the conscious work that is through books and through talk therapy and things like that. And there’s the subconscious reprogramming. And the subconscious reprogramming is what I do. So, you have to, you know, if you truly want to get that work done you do have to work with someone who is an expert in that area because when you work on it yourself you’re fighting yourself constantly. You can’t get to your subconscious because you have to consciously think about it. That sounds kind of weird.
But when you’re working with a professional who knows how to do this, they can get you down to the root fast. And here’s the thing, most of the times we think that this thing, this event caused all of our problems. And I would say 98.5% of my clients are wrong. By the time you recognize that this thing is a problem, it’s been going on for many years. And if we can get back to the root to when it first started and change that belief, that’s when everything changes.
And so, in the subconscious, it’s amazing. I mean once I learned about the subconscious mind I’m like, “There’s no way I can prescribe medication in good faith ever again.” And I’m not saying there’s no room for medication, there is but just for the work I was doing it just did not match my heart anymore and I just couldn’t do it anymore.
Jen: Yeah, figure out what we’re thinking and change it. And my favorite tool for that is EFT tapping. I’ve also enjoyed EMDR, so many awesome tools coming out to help people recognize what they’ve been thinking since childhood many times. So, what’s your favorite tool of choice to kind of help with it?
Jacqui: EFT?
Jen: EFT, yeah.
Jacqui: Emotional Freedom Technique for those who don’t know about that particular method. It is so incredibly powerful. And it does really help you access your subconscious so quickly and [inaudible]. Now, when I was going through the training my mentor taught me a process that she uses called the source technique is what she called it. And now, through her I learned how to get to the source of your problem, literally in 10 to 15 minutes of questioning. Whereas with traditional therapy you might be at it for three months before you get to near the root, not even the root, near the root.
And so, it’s tracing back to the initial onset and oftentimes it is something that you haven’t thought about in many, many, many, many years. But the moment I bring you back there through this process of questioning you’re like, “Oh my gosh, why am I a crying mess? Why did that tiny, teeny, little incident that happened when I was two years old still can take me down to my knee right now?” And it’s incredibly powerful when you are able to get to the root because from the root everything changes. You can just basically reprogram or redecide what that particular situation really means to you.
Jen: Let’s say, my daughter is turning 15 in a couple, you know, soon here. Let’s say she is walking down the hall at school and she’s feeling anxious like teens do. I wonder if I look okay. I wonder, did I say the right thing back there. Are there in the moment EFT techniques that teens can use to calm and soothe that depression or that anxiety that can come up so often?
Jacqui: Definitely, for sure. So, the first thing I teach with all of my clients is how the subconscious mind works. Because you need to understand what you’re doing to get there quicker. So basically, whatever you think, and feel is your command to your subconscious mind, this is the experience I want, give me more of this. And what your subconscious mind will do is it’s going to look in your environment, anything that matches your feelings, it’s going to hyperfocus your attention there. It’s going to go into your past and anything that sort of kind of feel like that, it’s going to start playing in the background.
You might not hear the story or remember it, but you just notice that the anxiety is building. So, if you’re walking down the hallway and you’re thinking, am I good enough, and you’re starting to feel insecure, well, that insecure feeling is a command to your subconscious mind, I want to feel insecure. Do everything you can, subconscious mind to make sure I have this experience and keep me here. So, you’re going to notice that girl over there, that’s a perfect 10. And you’re going to notice that other person over there having all this fun with their friends.
And you’re going to notice that one piece of hair of yours that is out of place.
Jen: Yeah, I have that today, yes.
Jacqui: But that’s how the mind works. It will give you the experience that you’re asking for based on the emotion that you’re experiencing. So, the way I teach my client is this very simple tool. There’s so many tools but what I love is choosing your emotions because emotions are truly choices. We have a kneejerk reaction and then once we recognize the kneejerk reaction we can decide to continue it or stop it. And so, the way that I teach it is okay, once you recognize that you’re feeling insecure, identify it, say it, take away its power.
When we pretend that it’s not happening, it’s like that elephant in the room, it just gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
Jen: Yes, totally.
Jacqui: Right. Call it out. So even though I am feeling insecure I choose to be calm. Say that a couple of times, I choose to be calm. I choose to be calm. And then go into, I am calm. I am calm. I am calm. And as you’re saying, I am calm in your mind, imagine yourself doing something that calms you down. If it’s walking along a beautiful beach, or hiking, or playing with your dog, or whatever it is that calms you down, in your mind, imagine you’re doing that as you’re saying, “I am calm.” Because what you’re doing is, the insecurity is coming up. Your subconscious mind’s starting to look for evidence.
And you’re like, even though I’m insecure I choose to be calm, calm looks like this, that’s the experience I want. Your mind’s like, okay, I can do that. Because your mind is taught to listen for your command and obey you. Now, that’s before EFT. Adding in a layer of EFT is basically tapping on meridian point, more superficial meridian point right where your pinky is, if you just kind of slide down on the outside of it kind of midway. This is the karate chop point. Imagine you’re just doing a karate chop and that’s where you want. Get rid of the insecurity.
Jen: Jen’s doing karate on her podcast today.
Jacqui: There you go. And all of a sudden you’re confident. I’m just kidding.
Jen: The answer is karate, who knew?! Teens do karate. I love this.
Jacqui: And we joke but that’s true because that’s learning how to use your body in a powerful way. But this is a little different topic.
Jen: It’s harder to do when you’re walking down the hall whereas tapping on a karate chop point, you can do that walking down the hall at school.
Jacqui: Yes. So, you take three fingers on the other hand and you just kind of tap gently on your karate chop point. And so, this is something you want to practice when you’re by yourself, you want to practice at every tiny little emotion that you don’t want to have. I’m just a little insecure, I choose to be calm, I choose to be calm, I choose to be calm. I am calm, I am calm, and you tap as you’re doing that, as you’re practicing because that will link it all up for you in your mind. So, your mind knows when you’re thinking this and you’re doing this motion, it means go to this calm space.
And as you practice that you become a master at it so now you’re hanging out with your friend and you’re standing there or you’re sitting at a restaurant or something and you start feeling emotions that you don’t want to experience. Then you just tap gently. Once you start to practice, you don’t have to go through the other stuff because your mind knows this means go to calm. And it looks like nothing to another person but you’re taking such good care of yourself.
And if you’re sitting down, of course you can discretely do that under the table or even on the tabletop. I mean people won’t know what you’re doing. They might think you have a little nervous tic and you’re just tapping like you would tap your foot or something. But it is incredibly easy. Anyone can learn how to do this. And it’s highly effective.
Jen: Imagine this, if all teen girls just knew this. Number one, you identified the emotion, even though I’m feeling scared, even though I’m feeling mad, I can feel calm. And then they may switch into the I am calm, or whatever, to program their minds all through the teen years and then to come out into their 20s with all of that positive programming. What kind of humans could we unleash into the world? So, I love the work that you’re doing, it’s essential. And I hope everyone listening will try it for themselves and teach their kids how to do this.
Does your son do this kind of thing? I know he’s older now probably but he’s 30 now, you said 30 years ago, right?
Jacqui: 30 plus years ago, so he’s actually 33 and I just became a grandmother two months ago.
Jen: Congrats, so you can teach them.
Jacqui: I’m going to teach my grandbaby. My son is not into it. When I closed down my medical clinic, he literally looked at me, he says, “Why are you doing this? This is such a good field, people need you.” And I says, “Because it doesn’t match my heart anymore and I need to do what’s right for me.” And he’s like, “Okay mom, whatever.”
Jen: Yay. Everyone should do that. Yeah, it just feels so good, and we all need to feel good when we’re in alignment like you are. Well, you have a website, and Instagram, and people need to learn more about you, where should they go?
Jacqui: The easiest place to get a hold of me is on my website which is jacquiletran.com. Will you have a link, or should I spell it out?
Jen: We’ll have a link on our show notes page, yes, but spell it out for those who don’t want to go there, yeah.
Jacqui: Sure. It’s J-A-C-Q-U-I-L-E-T-R-A-N.com. jacquiletran.com.
Jen: I love it. It reminds me of jackiechan.com. It’s like the coolest name. We have this whole karate theme. Jacqui Letran was on my show. I love it.
Jacqui: That is awesome.
Jen: And the same handle on social media as well?
Jacqui: Everything is Jacqui Letran. I’m not, like you I’m not super active on social media. I don’t have a team posting for me. It’s just one of those places that I go to get what I need to get from it and I kind of back out. I do post a lot of my personal life on my Facebook account. And one of the reasons I do that is because I really want to inspire people through my everyday living. So, I’m not doing the teaching posts and stuff like that. I’m just sharing with people what I truly do and have a picture me of on there.
There’s no make-up, hair in a bun, I am 100% real on my social media. And I just live a good life and I want to share that, and I want people to know that, you don’t have to always be on. You can be you and be absolutely fantastic.
Jen: Absolutely, so important. Be real, be authentic, I love this. Well, Jacqui, so many great tools. I’m grateful you’re doing the work you do. I can’t wait to see the next generation roll out in their 20s because I feel like they have a lot of opportunities we didn’t grow up with necessarily. So good work and thank you for being on the show.
Jacqui: Thank you so much for having me, it was super fun.
Such good stuff and I hope you take the messaging to heart. The simple parts are when you have an emotion that’s uncomfortable to acknowledge it, I am feeling frustrated. Even though I’m feeling frustrated I want to feel calm. I am calm. Add that karate chop point that Jacqui Letran taught us and you’ve got everything going on to shift your nervous system so you can come back again and again to emotional safety.
I think after the pandemic, after everything happening in the world, that is an important essential skill, not only to have for ourselves but to teach our kids, our spouses, our loved ones, our friends how to acknowledge the emotion, decide on how they do want to feel. Use those I am statements and karate chop tapping on the meridian. And bringing ourselves back to emotional calm. The fact is, no matter what’s happening out there we can feel as calm as we want to feel.
If we allow the emotion and acknowledge it, kind of loses its power, it’s no longer the elephant in the room like Jacqui said. Well, I love you my friends, thank you so much for listening. I will be back again next week with another great episode. Until then make it a vibrant, and happy week. Take care.
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About jen
Jen Riday is a mom of 6 and life coach who loves to help women experience massive happiness as they let go of stress, sadness or other chronic emotions of negativity.

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